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Fountain of Youth, Found!

Fountain of Youth, Found!

Filorga’s Derma-C is a serum that delivers pure Vitamin C in the most active form. It’s packaged in very a scientific looking contraption, whereby you mix pure vitamin C powder with a liquid serum, ensuring that you get it in it’s most active form. Benefits of Derma-C include; intensely toning the tissues of the skin, regulating melanin, fighting off free radicals and it has wonderful anti-aging properties too! I have been a long time sufferer of hyper pigmentation, and it just seems to get worse the older I get. I’ve been to the dermatologist, whose treatment cream definitely did work, but I could still see those annoying patches! If you’ve got any hyper pigmentation on your face, you’ll know how frustrating it can be. In my case, not even makeup helped to cover it up completely. When I finally found foundations that did cover the patchy marks on my forehead, having a combination skin meant that my Makeup wore off first on the oily areas. I have since discovered some “extra tricks” to keep it hidden, but the fact that I could still see it and that I knew, once the makeup was off I’d be screwed, I just want…

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December 18, 2012