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How Smart Are You About Sunscreen?

How Smart Are You About Sunscreen?

We all know sunscreen is a must right? We all know that the sun is not our skin’s BFF and stupidly spent hours in the sun can make us look way older, way sooner than we need to. But are you sun smart? By that I mean, do you know what’s in your sun creams, or do you just pile them on mindlessly, because you think they are good? I recently had a rude awakening, with a sunscreen from brand which I love, and actually, a sunscreen that I kinda loved too. We went on a little bush break and knowing how exposed to the sun I’d be on our game drives, I covered my entire face. Not only loading up with sun cream religiously, but I wore a cap the entire time, plus huge sunglasses. If you looked at me, I looked pretty sun smart! When we came back however, I noticed that my pigmentation patches were worse! My hubby on the other hand, sans sunscreen and a cap half the time came back with a nice “holiday tan”. I was really frustrated because I took every precaution to avoid the sun seeing my face, but it didn’t help! The…

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October 11, 2017