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The Cashmere Sweater

The Cashmere Sweater

After this weekend’s chilly blast, I thought today would be the perfect time to talk about one of my most coveted pieces – the cashmere sweater… The king of all knits! I popped into ZARA the other day and couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted the most perfect cashmere sweater ever! Spoiler alert… It is a heck of a pricey item and I am still weighing my options, so thought I’d share a few local finds if you too are looking to beat the cold in style with a little cashmere this season. I would probably  never spend that kind of cash on a “department store” jersey. Shoes, yes – without blinking an eyelid – but clothes…. Let’s just say I’m not as blind when it comes to clothing prices as I am with shoes. I mean, give me any shoe, any price and I bet I could justify its worth! What can I say? It’s built into my DNA (thanks Dad). But cashmere is different. Branded or not, cashmere is a very special item and there are reasons for its hefty price tag. But what makes a Cashmere Sweater, or cashmere anything for that matter oh so amazing?…. The wool used in Cashmere is different to that of…

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May 9, 2016