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3 Clever Ways to Store Your Boots This Winter

3 Clever Ways to Store Your Boots This Winter

Boots are one of the most annoying things to store in your closet. Some, especially soft leather ones (like my Tsonga Riding Boots), tend to flop, making them look really untidy and cluttered. But, don’t fear – I have found THREE really cool and easy ways to store boots and keep them looking neat and tidy. As you may know, I keep my boots stored like this (above), on the bottom shelf of my shoe shelf in my closet room. I like to have them displayed properly, without them flopping around. My Hunter Boots are the only pair that ‘stand on their own’. Every other pair has a little hidden trick to keep them upright… These tricks work wonderfully whether you keep your boots in your closet or displayed, and they are fairly inexpensive. In fact, two of the tricks you’d be able to accomplish without spending any “extra” money at all! Trick #1: Empty Wine Bottles This is such a cool trick and you’ve probably got empty bottles lying around. If not, well then this is a perfect excuse to celebrate finding a solution to your boot storage dilemma! Just make sure that the empty bottle is clean and that there aren’t any droplets of wine inside. I’ve used…

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April 24, 2014