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Protect Your Skin Against Pollution

Protect Your Skin Against Pollution

We are all quite aware of how damaging UV rays are to our skin, but are you aware that while the sun may be the skins’ worst enemy, another enemy lurks; resulting in signs of premature ageing? This my friends is called pollution, and with pollution levels at the highest they’ve been in history, it is quickly becoming one of the most widespread threats to human health. 

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July 6, 2016
My Pre and Post Laser Skincare Routine

My Pre and Post Laser Skincare Routine

It’s  been just over two weeks since I had my first Fraxel Dual laser treatment and my skin is looking great! I’m still amazed by the difference the Fraxel Dual has made, not only by finally tackling my pigmentation (head on), but my skin is probably in the best condition it’s ever been!

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January 20, 2016