Autumn Library

Autumn Library

While the temperatures outside keep dropping, at least we have more books to cozy up with! Am I right?

The hubs and I have been doing our bit to read, read, read, so that we can bring you more titles to snuggle up with. Today, we’re sharing our latest 3-each reads, plus if you want more book recommendations be sure to check out the first instalment of books to cozy up to this Autumn.

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Books to cozy up to this autumn

Books to cozy up to this autumn

One thing that gets me real excited for colder weather, is snuggling up with a good book and hot chocolate.

I’ve already kick started my colder weather reading with some fabulous titles, six of which I am sharing here with you today.

The hubs and I split them up so that we can bring you reviews on new books while they are still hot on the shelf, so hopefully if you’re looking for something new to get into, then I am sure you will find love in at least one of these newly released titles.

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#WinterIsComing Book List

#WinterIsComing Book List

I’ve been day dreaming about this time of year since that scorcher of a summer we had! One of my favourite things about autumn and winter, or at least the build up to winter (when it’s not so cold) is cuddling up under a totally indulgent fluffy blanket – hot chocolate in hand (P.S. I have a killer recipe that I’ll post soon – or you can head on to my Instastories to check it out) and tucking into a good book!

If you romanticise about cozy winter days curled up with a good book, I’ve got eight books on my reading list that you may want to check out.

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Spring Book Club

Spring Book Club

I’ve done really well with my goal to read at least 20 books before the end of the year, and with a few months to go, I’ve already crossed book number 17 off my list! Woo Hoo! I’ve only got three more to go before I hit my goal, and I’m sure I’ll get there soon!

Last month, I finished off three new titles which I’m sharing today, so if you want some book suggestions for your next Spring Time read, I’ve got you covered.

I’ve also got suggestions for a few other new titles to look out for, because I know not everyone shares my reading tastes, and I still want to give you as many options to inspire your inner bookworm.

Ok, so let’s go!

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The Last of the Winter Book Club

The Last of the Winter Book Club

A little while back I shared Part 1 of my Winter Book Club, and today I have the second instalment of fabulous reads to keep you cozy while we brave the last few bits of the cold season.

Are you excited for Spring? I sure am, even though I’m going to miss those lovely fireplace sessions tucking into a juicy novel.

Today’s book feature focuses on 10 novels to look out for. Five of which we have read and five of which we’re still getting too, but would make for great cozy time reads.

Ok, let’s go…

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Get Cozy + Read

Get Cozy + Read

Nothing beats the winter blues quite like cozying up with a delightful book. Either in front of a roaring fireplace (oh yeah), or snuggled under a blanket! Even better, lazying like a lizard outside in the daytime – when our glorious sunshine is that of pure indulgence!

Now that I’ve got you feeling all cozy on the inside… I want to share a few fab books to indulge in this winter…

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4 Books To Read Now

4 Books To Read Now

One of my goals this year is to read as many books as I can. My phone is no longer allowed in my bedroom; so before bed I curl up with a book instead of Instagram stalking, which has been bliss, not only winding down, but for my well being as well.

Granted, I am a bit of a slow reader, and usually take at least a month to finish a book (sad, but true), so I’ve roped my hubby into helping me put together these little monthly Book Club Selections, so let’s kick of with some fab picks to skink your teeth into this month…  

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The Summer Reading List

The Summer Reading List

Lately, I’ve really enjoyed switching up my iPad and winding down with an actual, page turning book instead of a glowing screen. I just miss the days when books were held in your hands, and when you were reading, you wouldn’t get distracted by a pop up notifications that instantly take your attention away from the story. So I’ve made it a priority to start reading actual books again and leaving the iPad for daily “work stuff”. In that, I’ve become quite the little book worm and have gone through a couple of new releases, so I wanted to share…

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About Last Night

About Last Night

Spring is the perfect time to catch up on some reading under the trees, and for that I’ve got the ultimate chic-lit book for you to sit back and enjoy while laying on your picnic blanket! About Last Night by Catherine Alliott follows the story of Molly, who moved from London to the country, in the hopes of chasing the dream. A dream that was never really hers, but rather her now dead husband Richards’.

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Read It – My Not So Perfect Life

Read It – My Not So Perfect Life

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Sophie Kinsella’s latest novel, My Not So Perfect Life. I really wanted to read it slooooowly to savour each and every page, but I just couldn’t put it down! If you’re looking for a fun read to snuggle up with this winter, this is it! I had never read one of her books before (I only watched the movies), but now that I’ve read My Not So Perfect Life, I’m hooked on Kinsella! My Not So Perfect Life is a light read that’s filled with smiles for miles! Literally, you will laugh out load (without control)…

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Love Style Life by Garance Dore

Love Style Life by Garance Dore

Garance Dore is probably my all time favourite blogger, plus the woman has got such amazing style! Who wouldn’t want to her know all her secrets? Besides being a great source of inspiration on her daily blog, she’s also an incredible story teller who weaves magic into her words. Her blog posts and stories often have me laughing out loud and even the most random topic becomes an interesting discussion and a fabulous read, that has you feeling as though the two of you were old friends, just casually having coffee and a conversation together.

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Summer Reads

Summer Reads

Summer time, summer time! It’s been a while since I’ve done a reading list, but over the holidays, I  rekindled my love for reading and thought I’d share some of my current faves!

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