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Turbocharge Your Energy Levels with Turbovite

Turbocharge Your Energy Levels with Turbovite

ENERGY! Ahh if only I had more! It’s amazing how as a kid, the new year would often bring with it a clean slate – a chance to go into January with some sort of magical boost. Call me a nerd, but I used to be super amped the day before school started! I had my shiny new stationary, my scuff-free school shoes and my neatly covered, fresh notebooks ready to go, but most of all, I had so, so much energy! The older I get, the harder I find it to stay energetic, heck even the thought of energy drained me! Kids have mastered the energy super power. They know where to find it and they know how to use it without depleting their stores. For us adults, it’s a little more difficult! We have to focus so much of our energy on the 101 billion tasks at hand, which leaves little time for us to follow the yellow brick road. Instead we use up our energy enduring E-Tolls and all the other mundane daily roadblocks before we can actually get going on any of our tasks. New years resolutions aside, one of my (lets rather call them) goals for 2017 was to get out…

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January 24, 2017