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Do you know what’s in your beauty products?

Do you know what’s in your beauty products?

I received such an awesome article from Harmless House – a local online store that sells premium organic bath and body products – and it really got me thinking! It’s scary to think that the very same beauty products we’re using to keep our skin beautiful, can also cause so much damage in the long the run! Have a read below, this article will really open your eyes… A supermarket aisle is the ideal place to see people’s priorities illustrated. Down the food aisles, people are reading ingredients list- checking for artificial colourants, the fat content, is this bag of lettuce organic? However, in the body product aisle someone may stop to smell a new deodorant, but otherwise they are chucking in the good ‘old faithful’s’- the shampoo, the body wash, shave gel, body cream, and deodorant. But with the average person applying 126 unique ingredients to their skin everyday- are the products we use not worth some consideration? Nobody stops to turn the bottle over- because what could possibly be in a body product that wouldn’t be good for you? One of the most common cosmetic ingredients is parabens, an ingredient which has had a fair amount of research…

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April 19, 2012