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Save Water! #1DayOn10Liters

Save Water! #1DayOn10Liters

On Tuesday this week was World Water Day and together with a whole lot of other bloggers and influencers, Giorgio Armani challenged us to take part in the #1DayOn10Liters online awareness campaign. In a nutshell, the challenge was about using only 10 litres of water for just one day to do everything we’d normally do, from cooking to cleaning to drinking and washing. It was a tough one, but I actually managed quite well on my 10 liters. I managed to wash both my hair and myself (body and teeth), drink 1 cup of coffee, 2 cups of tea, make lunch and I still had more than half my allowance left. We went to a movie premiere that night (#BatmanVSuperman) so I didn’t have to cook, but I think I’d have been ok on my allowance. It’s amazing how far you can make 10 liters go when you have to. The challenge really opened up my eyes to how much water we consume. It’s so easy to open the tap and not think about it. When you brush your teeth for example, you let the water run while you brush and check your pores in the mirror. When you’re showering, while the water is running over you,…

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March 24, 2016
World Water Day #AcquaForLife

World Water Day #AcquaForLife

On the 22nd March is World Water Day and a great time to stop and think about the importance of this natural element, which in many places is not only scarce, but where clean water is difficult to come by! As little as 10 Litres of water a day is considered a luxury in some places. 10 Litres! Now imagine your day to day life and having just 10 Litres a day to get you through your daily activities; including cooking, cleaning, hygiene and drinking. Could you manage just #1DayOn10Liters?

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March 20, 2016