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Skin Protect, Ocean Respect

Skin Protect, Ocean Respect

Over the years here on StyleScoop, I’ve mentioned the importance of sunscreen and looking after your skin. More recently, probably around the time of this post, I got a rude awakening about sun care products.

Like most people, I was unaware of the chemicals sunscreens are loaded with, that are not only bad for your own skin, but the levels of toxicity in many sun care products are wreaking havoc on our oceans.

All those nasty chemicals, made to keep us protected, are harming our beautiful wildlife underwater. Not only that, but as a melasma sufferer, I used to insist on the strongest, most potent sun care protection.

That was until I realised how, while they “may” have been protecting my skin from the sun, those chemicals were being absorbed into my body and actually deepening the melasma on my skin. And that was before I had even considered that if those chemicals are so bad for me in the long run, what was the damaging risk they would have on the oceans that we often go into, loaded with sun protection?

Now, don’t get me wrong, please, protecting your skin from the sun is vital, but don’t let it come at the cost of damaging your body or our oceans. Know what you’re applying to your skin. Know the effects, know the consequences.

In 2019 ignorance is far from bliss!

Since 2013, Eau Thermale Avène Sun Care has been developed in line with a very strict formulation charter in order to provide the best sun protection, whilst minimizing their environmental impact. In keeping with this eco-friendly approach, the brand is continuously improving its formulas and packaging to live up to their SKIN PROTECT, OCEAN RESPECT promise.

Famous for their Eau Thermale Spring Water (and a really wonderful range of inexpensive, quality skincare), the Eau Thermale Avene Sun Care range is one of only two sun protection ranges I’d consider using on my skin.

So naturally, when I smartened up about chemicals used in skin care products and in this case, suncare ranges, I have become an even more loyal fan of Eau Thermale Avene.

The fact that they are taking an active stance on protecting our oceans is just another reason to support their amazing products and amazing efforts.

I’m super excited to include the new, redesigned SPF50+ Body range from Eau Thermale Avene in my sun care range for this summer.

Both the lotion (R299.85 for a 250ml tube) and spray (R295.95 for 200ml) feature a new Hydra-Protective Texture that, thanks to vegetable glycerin, keeps the skin feeling moisturised, supple and hydrated. And, I’m excited for the new spray, which features a new OPEN/ STOP system so you dont have to worry about losing the cap.

I’ve always loved this suncare, range and I’m sure I will love the revamped products just as much (probably  more on the spray, as I always misplaced my cap).

Support Sun Protect, Ocean Respect& Help Save The Turtles…

When you purchase any Eau Thermale Avene Sun Care products between November and December 2019, R10 of every Eau Thermale Avène Sun Care product sold during this period will be donated towards turtle conservation initiatives along the Southern African coast.

Funds raised from this amazing initiative will be used for the monitoring, tagging and conservation of nesting females and their hatchlings. Below is a video with more information as well…

DID YOU KNOW: Between November and February every year, endangered loggerhead and leatherback turtles make their way to selected beaches of KwaZulu-Natal & Mozambique to nest. Female turtles come to the shore at night to dig a nest and lay their eggs. Once the nesting process is complete, the female turtle returns to the ocean. After an incubation period of two months, the turtle hatchlings make their way into the ocean. The eggs and hatchlings face many threats, including predators, poachers, pollution and human disturbance. It is estimated that only 1 out of 1000 hatchlings make it to maturity.

You can find Eau Thermale Avene at Clicks, Dis-Chem, Dermastore and selected independent retailers. 

Be Sun Smart

Dimi Ingle
Dimi Ingle

Dimi is the founder, editor and creative force behind StyleScoop. She curates the very best of fashion, beauty, travel, decor and lifestyle, every day, right here!

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