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Hat Trick! DIY Store and Display Your Hats

Hat Trick! DIY Store and Display Your Hats

You guys know I’m OCD when it comes to organizing stuff. I want to make it easy to find things, especially when it comes to my outfits, because who really has time to mess around? Takes me enough time doing my hair and makeup as it is! One thing that always bothered me was my hat “setup”. Over the past couple of months, I’ve gone cuckoo for hats. But back to the point at hand, storing my hats was always an issue, until I came up with the ultimate hat trick. I have a hat stand in my entrance hall with all my summery trilby hats, but for my dressier ones, ones that go beyond the swimming pool, I wanted them to be more prominent and easy to access while I’m getting dressed and putting outfits together. So, I created this super easy hat display that (seriously) took less than 5 minutes to put together. Annnnd, the best part is that it makes a great decor statement in my closet room… My hats now hang from a single fabric ribbon, and each one is pegged in making it easy to remove and replace. Depending on you, you could drill a pretty…

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February 12, 2015
How to Hang Your Jeans

How to Hang Your Jeans

Finding your jeans in your closet can be quite frustrating! I used to store mine, folded on top of one another on a shelf, and I could never find which pair I was looking for! In fact, I hardly knew what jeans I had! After re-arranging my Closet Room (here’s what it looked like before – I still need to do that post on the updated layout by the way), I managed to squeeze in a bit more hanging space, so I decided to dedicate a rail (well half a rail) to storing my jeans. I now hang all my jeans in a way that I can see them properly! Not only the colour, but the cut, style, and most importantly for me, the leg. I am a jeans person, so I love my skinnies, bootlegs and boyfriend jeans. Hanging and displaying them like this has made a huge difference in helping me find “just the right pair”. I have three basic hanging methods, all using wooden hangers. I mostly hang my jeans by slipping the back belt loops onto the sides of the hanger. This works for most of my Demi-Curve Levi’s jeans becuase they are low waisted and have enough “room”…

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July 26, 2013
Inside my Closet… with Superficial Girls

Inside my Closet… with Superficial Girls

Spring is the perfect time to clean out and re-organize your closet! To help motivate you, we’ve asked some stylish fashionistas to take us inside their closet. This week, we’re taking you inside the closet of local fashion style blogger, Carlinn from Superficial Girls. We’re absolutely hooked on this girl’s amazing style, so we were just as excited to peek inside her closet. Take a look… Tell us a bit about your closet I used to have a whole room that I used as a closet and makeup room when I lived in Malta, but when we moved back to Cape Town space was definitely an issue, so I had to come up with some very creative ways to store my clothes, shoes and jewelry! At the moment I have all my jackets in one cupboard, dresses and shirts in another and then tees, jeans, shorts and skirts are all folded. I rotate my clothing with the seasons and I also have a clothing rail in the garage, where I keep some of things that I don’t wear that often. My shoes are all sorted by style or color and I showcase some of my more “special pairs” in the dining area…

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September 21, 2012
Fab Find Friday – Earring Stands

Fab Find Friday – Earring Stands

So you guys know my obsession with organising and storing my stuff! Always on the hunt for new and clever ways to organise, I found these amazing little earring stands that are a must for every gal! How do you guys store your earrings? I must say, mine were a total mess! I had them all over the place, constantly buying more because I could never find them, forgotten about them, or lost the butterflies – how annoying! That was until I discovered these… Handy little earring stands that I picked up at Dischem for under R50 bucks! I love these because you can store your hanging earrings as well as your studs, and you’re able to see everything nice and neatly. The other benefit is that your earrings don’t get damaged, tangled or go missing. Studs go at the top, and you can store a variety of sizes. There’s actually a lot of space, so depending on the size of your studs, you can store them up here. Your hanging earrings can be placed through the stud holes, or through these little slits, that makes getting them in and out a breeze! As you can see, this little gadget…

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March 9, 2012
The Fearless Fashionista’s Closet Room Make over Part 3 Or

The Fearless Fashionista’s Closet Room Make over Part 3 Or

So here is part 3 and the last post on my closet room make over. – Jasna This is the other side of my the room where I have situated my desk and my clothing rail. I painted the desk white  and added a few personal touches to it. I love my green mouse pad and my pink mouse. I decided to move the clothing rail away from the window and put it behind the door. I hung some of my bags on the door along with my DFC cap.   I put my tripod next to the window so that I can take pics when my photographer is not around and hung more bags on the mirror stand. I put some of my shoes on top or along side my fashion books to add a quirky touch.     Some of my bags and shoes on the white shelves. There are 1 or 2 final items I must still find and then my closet room/studio/office room will be complete.

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January 14, 2011